Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Out with the OLd

I believe it's true that all things come to an end with every thing running it's course, needing replaced or refreshed at minimum. Today has been about cathartic practices. The 20 year old hot water heater (who would have thought one could last so long) has been replaced by a more energy efficient one, with I'm told a life expectancy of 8-10 years. My gosh, that's longer than many peoples commitment to jobs and/or marriage. None the less, I'm thrilled to have this task done.

Another old/new event came with the purging of pictures from a long lost love. To my surprise it was a liberating, freeing thing. I should have done this earlier, but guess I wasn't ready. I don't think I've had some sort of mental block, but I just couldn't even bring myself to shed a tear while looking at the snapshots. All I could do was set there and think, OMG, what was I thinking. This guy is like many others that I've met since, just merely a mortal man with both positive and negative features. It must be true that love blinds our eyes and shields our hearts to what now appears so obvious. I did see many photos of my former husband, but couldn't bring myself to toss them out because my children were a part of them. I did learn a valuable lesson from my observations today, that being that mothers need to encourage their husbands to take pictures of them with their children. I have very few pictures of me with my kids primarily because I was the photographer. So please, mothers...get someone else to capture those moments for you. You won't regret it!

Early this morning, prior to the plumbers arriving, I decided to prepare the 10 apples waiting in my crisper drawer to be made into Crockpot Apple Butter. My intentions were to make this over a month ago, so at long last I've completed it today.

As for this afternoon, it was far to beautiful to stay indoors, so I took the opportunity to remove last years dead plants and refresh the beds with 2 flats of flowers. Even with these, I ran short, so off I went to the garden center this evening to pick up more followed by a comforting dinner at Joe T's where all was excellent as usual. Life just doesn't get much better than today.

Below is some wonderful chill out music to enjoy as you reflect on your life:;_ylu=X3oDMTBxcW9nN3NyBHBvcwM1BHZ0aWQDBHNsawNyZXMEc2VjA3Ny/SIG=1lkeepuqb/EXP=1299151051/**http%3a//

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